CAPEC Related Weakness
Configuration/Environment Manipulation
CWE-15 External Control of System or Configuration Setting
CWE-1233 Security-Sensitive Hardware Controls with Missing Lock Bit Protection
CWE-1234 Hardware Internal or Debug Modes Allow Override of Locks
CWE-1304 Improperly Preserved Integrity of Hardware Configuration State During a Power Save/Restore Operation
CWE-1328 Security Version Number Mutable to Older Versions
Exploitation of Improperly Controlled Registers
CWE-1224 Improper Restriction of Write-Once Bit Fields
CWE-1231 Improper Prevention of Lock Bit Modification
CWE-1233 Security-Sensitive Hardware Controls with Missing Lock Bit Protection
CWE-1262 Improper Access Control for Register Interface
CWE-1283 Mutable Attestation or Measurement Reporting Data